Bulletin Board Post

This bulletin board is devoted to fostering scientific research projects on Structural Integration (SI). Research projects may include: clinical, case reports, experimental, literature reviews, reviews of the utilization of SI in healthcare, and other research projects, with the intent to share the project results in a peer-reviewed scientific journal.

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Create a Bulletin Board Post

Please submit your SI Bulletin Board post by using the fields below.
We offer the following categories for posting:
1) Need Academic Mentors for Research Project - People starting, or considering to start, a research project and looking for academic mentors/supervisors
2) Need Collaborators for Research Project - People considering starting or conducting a specific research project and looking for additional collaborators in the practical research
3) Academic Mentors - Academic mentors offering coaching on specific research projects or research ideas, or skilled academic persons offering support on statistical evaluation
4) Sponsors - Sponsors offering financial support for general or specific research projects in the field of SI
5) Funding, Workshops, Job Positions - Inform other researchers about external funding programs, research skills workshops or available research job positions which could be of interest for active researchers in the field of SI
Limit of 1500 characters; include links to more detailed description if available.

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