The Ida P. Rolf Research Foundation offers a limited number of travel awards of up to $1000 for qualified researchers giving oral or poster presentations of research on Structural Integration and/or related disciplines at scientific meetings or conferences. These funds are to help defray meeting registration and travel-related expenses associated with attendance of a meeting or conference for presenting findings. To encourage publication of the results, $500 will be awarded after the work is presented and $500 will be awarded after the paper is accepted in a peer reviewed scientific journal.
Travel Awards are processed as reimbursements after the meetings. Receipts will be required in order to receive reimbursements. The maximum amount to be reimbursed for meeting registration, hotel and travel- expenses is $1000. Meals and incidentals are not eligible expenses.
Clinical Practitioners/Researchers who wish to be considered for travel award funding must:
- Present findings related to:
- Clinical trials of SI
- Quality of life studies
- Surveys, including longitudinal and utilization studies
- Safety data
- Individual case studies
- Clinical Audit
- Mechanistic studies/theory of SI and related disciplines
- One author on the paper must be a certified practitioner of Structural Integration (a member of or eligible for membership in the International Association of Structural Integrators (IASI)).
- Submit your abstract and appropriate materials by the deadline date of the meeting you are applying for.
- After you have been notified of acceptance of your abstract by the meeting officials, complete and submit the application form including:
- A copy of your notification of acceptance letter of your research abstract, plus a copy of your accepted abstract.
- A current copy of all authors’ CV/resume, including education, employment, training, and up to 20 peer reviewed publications.
If your travel award application is accepted, you are expected to submit an expense report within 30 days of the conference date. Reports will not be accepted after 30 days. 500 Dollars will be paid upon receipt of the expense report, and the remaining amount (up to $500) will be reimbursed when the scientific paper based on this abstract has been accepted for publication in a peer reviewed journal. To receive the balance of the award following acceptance of your paper in a peer reviewed journal, you should submit a copy of the acceptance letter from the journal editor.
Your acceptance of the travel award indicates your agreement to have your abstract and CV of all authors posted on the Rolf Foundation website and to acknowledge financial support from the Ida P. Rolf Research Foundation in your publication.
Abstracts submitted and accepted as poster or oral presentations will be used as the basis for the awards. The IPRRF review committee will select the award recipients based on the accepted scientific abstracts of the applicants.